In the article How to create Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Eclipse and Create an SD Card to existing AVD, I described how to create AVD in Eclipse and how to add SD Card to existing AVD. In this article, I describe how to create AVD, with SD Card, in command line (Terminal of Ubuntu Linux).
OS: Ubuntu Linux 9.04
Android SDK 1.6 r1
- Before create AVD, you have to check the available system image targets in your system.
Start Terminal, switch to the tools folder of the installed Android SDK, it's ~/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.6_r1/tools in my own setup. Type the command:
$./android list targets
- Now you can create a new AVD, eg. a new AVD base on Android 1.6 (ID = 2), with 1000M SD Card.
Type the command:
$./android create avd -n my_android1.6_for_scripting -t 2 -c 1000M
You will be asked: Do you wish to create a custom hardware profile
Press Enter to answer NO.
After a while, the new AVD will be created.
- Start Emulator with the new AVD
$./emulator -avd my_android1.6_for_scripting
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